Monday, October 12, 2009

Embryos and stem cell research?

I have some school work due in on it in which a few questions need to be answered.How are embryos used for reasearch?Why is this controversial?How are they treated after experimentation?And the pros and cons of stem cell research?
Stem cells are BLANK cells that have no attributes assigned to them yet. They can be placed anywhere and they will take on the attributes of the surrounding cells. Hypothetically, this can be used to cure ANY disease. They can then be placed in areas to boost your immunities or made into cells that help kill cancer cells or viruses in the body. Stem cell research and the cure to possibly every disease known to man is prohibited by our religious society.
No negatives that I can see.
go to google and type in same question and research!Enjoy homework!
Boy, big topic. While I can't answer all of them as detailed as I'd like because I don't have the time, to sum it up:Embryos are babies, living beings. Using them for stem cell research would be killing them. And if people would like to say the stem cells found in embryos are better than the stem cells found elsewhere, this is not true: the stem cells from babies are weaker. Want to know a great source of strong stem cells? Adult fat. I'm sure we here in America have plenty of it.
embryos are used to reasearch many generic diseases and cures. this in controversial as many people beleive that an embryo is a baby as soon as conception takes place and see it as human testing. yes i can see their point, we protest against animal testing and you wouldnt like your granny to be tested on but the real question is... if it cant be felt and could save many lives in the future is it really that wrong? the embryos are destroyed once the experimentation is complete.
Check out the link below for loads of info on embryonic and adult stem cell research.
The big controversy is because to get stem cells from an embryo you have to kill the embryo. (Unlike for adult stem cells, where no harm is done to the adult!)
So it comes down when does a human embryo become human, and when, if ever, is it ok to kill one.
Rather than using embryos, scientists are beginning to obtain stem cells from umbilical cords, which are usually discarded after a live birth anyway. New research indicates that amniotic fluid can also provide stem cells.

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