Monday, October 12, 2009

explain an example when a resident bacteria is bacteria is benficial to the human body?

The most substantial benefit of resident bacteria is preventing foreign bacteria from colonizing. While we are exposed to countless pathogenic (bad) bacteria daily, most are not able to find a space on our body to stick and start growing. This is because we are covered, inside and out, with our own benign bacteria. This is why you are at increased risk of infection from certain bacteria when you take strong antibiotics. If the drugs kill off the resident bacteria, that leaves open space for foreign bugs to settle and grow... leading to infection. This is called opportunistic infection. Basically every resident bacteria takes up space which prevents bad pathogenic bacteria from settling in.
example of resident bacteria in the digestive tract that help with digestion and nutrition absorption.
Bacteria make the vitamin K that we need to help clot blood. The also help in digestion of some foods.
yeah, try the bacteria in your intestines.. the ones that break down and absorb what your body can't.

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