Saturday, October 24, 2009

Foul gas after only after workouts/exercises?

For the past couple of months, on and off, I have been doing weight lifting exercises and I discover that after my workout, as well as the next day, i will release lots of foul gas, say once every 15-20 minutes and the smell is worse than normal.When I stop exercising, the gas disappears. I'm a pretty healthy dude. I eat properly before and after my workouts. The foods I eat before or after I workout, aren't ridiulcously high in fiber or glucose, so I don't think it's from the food? Is it too much stress that I'm putting on my body? I dunno. I see much more stressful workouts from others at the gym. Anybody experience this?
an alternative could be that during your workouts you are swallowing air. chewing gum and drinking from straws causes swallowing of air, as well as possibly your workout routine. pay attention and see if you can pinpoint it.
The only way for gas to come out is for something to go in. That means that yes it is the food you are eating that is causing it. Many, many foods cause gas, not just the ones you might think.

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