Sunday, May 23, 2010

Has anyone had an anuerysm and would be willing to share what it was like or knew anyone that did?

please leave your e-mail address so i could ask some questions thank you
My grandmother dropped dead peeling potatos at 63 years old from an anuerysm in her heart. My mother and her only sister had brain anuerysms at the age of 45.(They were both 45 years old.) My aunt died within 24 hours. My mother lived because hers started to actually seal itself closed. She had brain surgery and was in an induced coma for a month after surgery.
You can email me by clicking on my profile and going to my profile page. I won't give out my email address here because I was turned in for "chatting and personal whatever" it is that you receive a violation for..I will be glad to answer any questions you might have....
Well, unless dead people are able to email, then I doubt you'll get many answers.
One of my father's friends was out fishing one day, and suddenly got a bad headache out of nowhere. He was taken ashore, and was advised to go to the hospital. He said he'll just sleep it off. He died instead of a brain aneurysm. You can contact me at

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