Sunday, May 23, 2010

had operation for shoulder impingement,resultingin frozen shoulder?

experiencing severe sustained pain. any advise on treatments and results, in particular acupuncture .
You don't say when you had your operation or what kind of operation it was. It would be helpful if you could also post which type of impingent it was, and how long you had symptoms pre-op., and what those symptoms were.Do you have wounds from the operation, or was it a manipulation under anaesthetic (MUA)? Were you immobilised post-op, if so for how long, and what treatment have you had since to get your arm moving, or what exercises do you do yourself?Try filling in some of the gaps, and we'll try to answer your question.
try chiropratic therapy combined with massage/physical therapy it worked for me and i didnt even have surgery and had had the same problems for almost 18 yrs

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