Sunday, May 23, 2010

has anyone ever heard of a product called curlex and if so can you buy this product anywhere?

I was a medic in the military and we used it to patch bullet holes. it is a gauze like material and we you stuffed it in hole it expaned and sealed the hole and stopped the bleeding
Kerlex - is a type of gauze that you can wrap around an arm/leg. There is a product that has iodine infused through it that can be used to pack wounds that are being allowed to heal without stitches. I'm sorry, I can't think of the name of it - what we use has gauze about one inch wide, comes wrapped into a roll in a brown bottle.
There is also a product called Gelfoam that can be used to absorb blood to facilitate clotting. When I worked in the nursery, we used it to help stop a circ from bleeding.
I would think any of them could be found in a comprehensive pharmacy.
Hope some of that helps!
Kerlix can be found at WalMart.
Curlex is used on ambulances in my area. It comes in a roll like gauze, however it adheres to itself so the use of tape is not necessary to hold it in place. It can be found/ordered through any medical supply company. We carry it on our ambulance to hold IV tubing and catheters in place on the very sweaty or very combative. Ours is a very pretty bright blue :-)
You may be thinking of iodoform tape. This is specifically for stuffing into holes that may be infected. It absorbs destructive exudate/blood and therefore hastens healing time. It is also slightly moist, so it doesn't rip out newly forming tissue. Then the curlex is applied.Hope this helps.

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