Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gray's Anatomy?

I plan on going to Medical School, or at least major in that field, and was just wondering what would be a good book to help me get a jump start, or one that would just be useful in helping me learn the anatomy of humans. (I've been looking at the Atlas Of Human Anatomy by Netter as well)I was also just wondering which book would be better, Gray's Anatomy (by Henry Gray) or the Gray's Anatomy For Students book? I was thinking the latter choice because Gray's still has all the latin text and words that aren't commonly used today, so chances are I won't understand some of what the text is saying without research beforehand.
You can start off with Gray's Anatomy for Students. It is shorter, less detailed, and an easy read compared to the Gray's Anatomy (by Henry Gray). Once you are through with that book, it will give you a very good idea about human anatomy. It should also whet your appetite to read more about the complex system that the human body is. That's when you hit the bigger Gray's.If you start off with the bigger Gray, you will get discouraged easily because there is so much to read and all terms are unfamiliar. However, approaching it the other way will give you an all round confidence because you would already have completed reading the smaller book, got a comprehensive idea about anatomy and then reading for further detail.Keep at it. The voyage is as interesting as the destination.
Grays anatomy is a fantastic book for insomnia, it used to send me to sleep really quickly.
By all means buy it as a refernce book only, for good indepth reading go to your college book store and browse one afternoon - you will find one you like for sure - books are personal choices, so what was good for me might be disasterous for you! Usually, the staff are really helpful. Be sure to buy (or order) the latest addition too.
Good luck
Get it doesn't matter what edition you choose - they haven't discovered an new body parts lately! I still have mine from 30 years ago!!
use netter! it is the best anatomy book, with the best pictures and detail. and that's what you'll use if you go to med school anyway...
Grant's "Atlas of Anatomy" is easier to read and the pictures are better. If you want to learn to read, Gray's is more profuse but works beter as a door stop.
Gray's are everywhere and cheap but a used Grant's is the better book.
i used to use snell's, chaurasia (this one is too detailed but easy reading by indian author) and netters as atlas
You can also go through Cunninghams.
Gray's Anatomy has stood the test of time and is the best one.It is a book you'll keep as reference for the rest of your life.Mine is the 34th Edition and I bought it when it just came out.I still use it.Enjoy the journey.

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